Saturday, October 6, 2012

Higher Education for Texans

In the commentary article "Perry: Higher Education must be accessible for all Texans", As mentioned in my last post, Governor Rick Perry argues for a four-year tuition freeze so that incoming freshmen tuition rates are locked in throughout their senior year of college. Governor Perry States that due to the soaring number of Texas Students taking the SAT over the past five years it shows that an interest in a college degree is increasing, especially among minority students. Statistics show that there was a 42% increase amongst African American students as well as 65% increase among Hispanic students. Governor Perry believes that with the tuition freeze incoming college students and their families can predict and more accurately plan the cost of completing their college degree. As of now less than 30% of Texas students attending four-year institutions graduate within the four years, with only 58% getting their degree within six years. 

Also in the article Governor Perry argues that a change to state funding must also change. He believes that the state should link a portion of a universities funding to the number of students who graduate. As it exists right now, state funding of universities is based primarily on the number of students who enroll in the a university. Governor Perry's proposal is that 10% of a universities funding will be connected to the number of actually receiving degrees.  Simply put, the less number of students graduating the lesser amount funding received from the state. He hopes that by doing so will in return encourage the universities to do everything possible to help students complete their degrees in a timely manner. Saving both time and money for both the students and the universities. 

Clearly there are improvements to be made, and I personally agree with the Governor. By following this plan, universities will be able to help more and more students have a powerful incentive to finish their degrees and enable them to persue their dreams. Therefore in order to meet the  growing demand for higher education within Texas, universities should give students more affordable options in order to reduce the debt that all college students carry as they start their careers and ultimately the rest of their lives. 

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